Holistic Hardware

10 tools to move individuals and families towards stability

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.Thessalonians 5:11

What is Holistic Hardware?

Holistic Hardware is an incentive based 5-week fast track course designed to teach individuals 10 tools that will help them in their everyday life. You will earn $500 at the completion of all sessions-*YOU MUST FINISH ALL CLASSES
The class is taught once a week for 5 weeks in 2 hour class sessions with snacks provided. The lessons are biblical based, scripture is used in many of the lessons. Our goal is to help navigate change that will move individuals from our community towards self-sufficiency.
Childcare is not provided.

Interested in taking the class?

Like us on Facebook for details on upcoming classes when posted!

2023 Classes are made possible by generous and caring donors in the community. We've had more than 200 graduates! Go God!

4 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have HOPE. Romans 15:4

How can we help?
Hi there! Let me know if there's any questions you have. I'd be happy to answer them for you!
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